CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Women Who Wander Bid Success

Community Rail Lancashire has today been informed that it has been successful in a bid for a grant from the Designated Community Rail Development Fund.

The grant of £827.50 is to support a project called ‘Women Who Wander’ and is being matched by funds from Community Rail Lancashire. The project sees CRL working in partnership with one University (likely to be the University of Manchester as we have previously worked with Multilingual Manchester), one college, one secondary school, one primary school and one special educational needs school, young women will be engaged to travel into Manchester and around Lancashire, and potentially Liverpool, using the rail network, facilitated by Community Rail Lancashire.

If one group within each of these diverse groups is engaged in the project (likely to be around 100-200 young women, from a range of demographics), we will ask them to write a piece of writing of their choice, reflecting their views on any area of rail travel, use or employment. The final selection of writing pieces will be a selection of up to 18 and will be included in a booklet called ‘Women Who Wander; North West Edition’.

The Designated Community Rail Development Fund (DCRDF) is a joint venture between the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Association of Community Rail Partnerships (ACoRP) and supports projects on community rail lines designated through the Government’s Community Rail Strategy.