CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Grant Success For Step Free Access Bid

Community Rail Lancashire is pleased to announce that it has been successful in landing two grants for developing an Access for All bid for step free access at Accrington station.

The grants are for £7500 from the Department of Transports Designated Community Rail Development Fund and for £5000 from Arriva Rail North’s Seed Corn Fund.

The grants will be used to fund a design study that will be undertaken by Northern staff. The design study will be done to meet the GRIP stages (Governance of Railway Investment Projects) up to Network Rail’s GRIP 3 stage (option selection).

Step free access at Accrington is something that has been highlighted in all passenger surveys carried out over the last few years. This will mean that passengers with mobility issues including wheelchair users, the elderly and those with prams etc. will be able to move about the station more freely. We would expect to see passenger numbers steadily rise if the project was successful.