CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

CRL In The City In Preston

Students from Lancaster University’s Management School spent the day at Preston on 20.5.17, doing a fantastic job of promoting Community Rail Lancashire’s project and education work.

Virgin Trains provided use of the central concourse and community hub room, whilst Northern provided plenty of freebies to give away. The students not only staffed a stall, which was fantastically decorated, and managed to give out over 600 leaflets, but also used CRL children’s artwork to create their badges and branded t-shirts to promote the event.

In the Preston Station Community Hub, they also staffed a ‘craft room’, where children came with their parents to create a personalised train ticket or create their own train designs. The day was a great success, with many passengers reached as they moved through the station, many others reached online through social media, and a good number of children entertained and educated about rail-related topics!