CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Blackburn Is Hiring

Thursday 14th September 2017 saw Blackburn Cathedral host a careers event under the banner’ Blackburn is Hiring’.

Local and national businesses along with charities, apprenticeship & education providers were on hand to offer advice to young people and help them make career choices.

Arriva Rail North (Northern), the local train operating company, who are soon to open a brand new diesel depot in Blackburn shared a stall with Community Rail Lancashire.

The new depot is due to open in November when the electrification works between Preston and Blackpool North closes the routes to Blackpool South and Blackpool North. The brand new facility has been built on the old coal concentration sidings (King Street) just outside Blackburn station on a site called the Wrangling and will provide state of the art maintenance and cleaning for the units that will be stabled there.