CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Expanded Education Programme On Track

Daisy & Emily, Community Rail Lancashire’s new Community Rail Education Development Officers have hit the ground running!

Already they have been developing ideas for taking CRL’s existing education programme further afield onto the South Fylde Line and the two routes in West Lancashire. They have also been working on presentations for the Department of Transport’s Community Rail Market Place, that takes place in London on Tuesday 27th September and for the next Community Rail Executive Group (ComREG) meeting that takes place in early October.

They have also been busy designing leaflets to showcase two of CRL’s recent big projects, All Change at Cherry Tree and Rose Grove Revived. Details of these two projects can be found on a drop down menu under the Projects navigation button at the top of this page.

The two leaflets can be downloaded as PDFs by clicking the links here: Cherry Tree or Rose Grove.

Daisy and Emily have also been meeting visitors who have travelled to Community Rail Lancashire’s ‘bunker’ in Accrington to get a taste of the work carried out by CRL with Key Stage 2 pupils. CRL has been asked by Arriva Rail North, the new Northern franchisee, to spread their work through sharing of best practice across the other Northern CRPs. Visitors from the Tyne Valley CRP and Penistone Line CRP earlier this week have all been impressed with the work and are keen to get involved with future development on their own lines.