CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Bentham Station Gets CCTV

A Designated Community Rail Development Fund (DCRDF) Grant has seen the installation of a CCTV system at Bentham Station.

A total of seven cameras are now protecting the outside of the station buildings, car park, platforms and one camera is covering the main internal room. Volunteers from the Friends of Bentham Station and the Lancaster and Skipton Rail Users Group have helped with the installation of the system.

The main funder of the project has been the DCRDF along with contributions from Bentham Town Council (precept grant) and the Leeds, Lancaster & Morecambe CRP.

Bentham CCTV

The Designated Community Rail Development Fund (DCRDF) is sponsored by the Department of Transport, Network Rail and the Association of Community Rail Partnerships (ACoRP) and helps provide funding for development of community rail lines that have been designated as part of the Government’s Community Rail Strategy.